
Ethos Pathos Logos

I used logos to show the mindset that the majority of Americans have currently, especially considering the study was done in 2017. My intent with this strategy was to show the power that death has in our society. Most people in our country assume that death will be followed by another experience and an eternity with another life.  This gives more importance to the concept of death and how we confront it. This source shows that the majority of adult's believe this isn't their only shot at life.  Ethos was not included in this post, considering that I am not an expert on death or the afterlife, and my own personal experience is all I can offer. I attended church until I was 20, and throughout that time I was able to see that it was not for me and that the mindset these people have on death is not the same as I do.  Pathos is essential to this post, and that is because it is an emotional concept. That's partially the reason I chose the idea of death, because it brings

Week 11: Science of Persuasion

I think consistency is very important amongst the list of the keys to persuading readers. I find it most important after watching the video that readers will be more engaged in a blog if the author is consistent in his entries. For many people, the idea that a steady stream of content will be a part of this blogging experience will be very persuasive. Similarly, if a blogger is consistent in the material that they discuss, readers will be able to associate the author with others. I think Liking is also a crucial idea to persuading readers, as the author needs to be able to portray the personality of someone who is likable in order to convince the reader that they are smart and know what they are talking about. If the author can convince their readers they are a positive source of information, they will not only return to the blog but be persuaded by the argument. I think Authority plays a role as well, and the most important one. This key idea is important because it shows that they

The Art of the Personal Essay

What struck me the most was the idea that essayists are writing about themselves, but also about humanity in general at it's most fundamental level. What I mean by this and what I gathered from the reading was that a good essayist writes about the things that no one else is writing about, but everyone is thinking about. The ability to connect to the inner thoughts of another persons mind, where the experience is so personal that they didn't believe another living soul would be able to describe it in words, yet the essayist is supposed to be proficient in this. I feel as though this portion of the text can help me to dig deeper into my own mind and put more of my personality onto the page. That is what the reader is looking for, the entertainment. The Art of the Personal Essay also mentions the readers' excusal of the essayists past in order to make way for the condor. This catches me because it gives me the sense that in my future writing, I won't be tempted to hold ba

Truth in Memoir

The main argument of this article is how is it possible to determine truth is writing, and is the option of writing memoirs as novels a better alternative? She draws from examples of other works, and shows how it's been the case before that the truth has not been told in what people have claimed to be memoirs. She tells about fiction and non-fiction being more similar than they are different. It is difficult to determine from a persons experience as to whether they are telling the complete, accurate truth on a specific matter. I do believe she has a strong argument, though. She explains the extreme inconvenience of how to obtain the exact truth, and what substitutes could be made, or changes that could be applied that would solve our suspicions and clear our mindset towards what we believe should be in a memoir, or rather what to expect. She comes across the idea in her struggles to write her own memoir to write freely and have the courage to not hold back. I'm drawn to thi

My Memoir

I hope to learn more of what impact this event from my life had on me as I go back and reflect on it. I'm hoping to become more aware after writing this memoir, specifically in future events when I have the chance to remember more. This experience will help me to better dissect other moments from my life. When considering my audience, I hope to explain my experiences in my memoir with enough detail so that they feel as though they lived through it as well. My goal is to accurately depict this portion of my life while painting a picture for the reader to easily capture in their mind. Within in my memoir I think it would be unnecessary to include too many characters, as the experience will be more difficult to follow if the list of characters is too large. This will allow the reader to direct their full attention to the 2 to 3 fundamental characters involved. I will not be needing to tell any backstories within my memoir. The story will provide enough detail of who is who and why

Memoir Ideas

1. The Bus When I was a kid I took the bus to school everyday, and one day a friend of mine asked me to eat a couple FiberOne bars. After a few minutes we began feeling the rumbling in our stomachs and started to fart more than we ever have before. The kid around us crowded towards the front of the bus away from us and eventually we were yelled at and called up to the front because we could not stop farting. We couldn't stop farting and the bus driver ended up suspending us from the bus for the rest of the week. 2. My Brother When my brother and I were walking home from school after getting off the bus, I decided that it would be funny to push him over into the grass. Once I did that I heard a cracking sound and saw that I had cracked a pot with a flower in it that my brother was holding when he fell. He got up and cried that it was a present for our mom. The feeling of remorse was too much and I've thought about that moment and have always felt the need to make it up to m

Journal Entry 4: I Don't Care Anymore

I'm pretty sure I'm having a breakdown. I just threw an award I got when I was 16 for being the most improved player on my hockey team across the room, which basically means you are the shittiest person on the team but you don't suck as much as you did at the beginning of the year. So now I'm sitting here, typing on a computer that is so thin I could snap it over my knee with almost no hesitation. I'm not trying to sound tough at all, because I'm really weak and I never work out. This is all for my journal entry today. I don't feel like writing anything about anything.