Memoir Ideas

1. The Bus
When I was a kid I took the bus to school everyday, and one day a friend of mine asked me to eat a couple FiberOne bars. After a few minutes we began feeling the rumbling in our stomachs and started to fart more than we ever have before. The kid around us crowded towards the front of the bus away from us and eventually we were yelled at and called up to the front because we could not stop farting. We couldn't stop farting and the bus driver ended up suspending us from the bus for the rest of the week.

2. My Brother
When my brother and I were walking home from school after getting off the bus, I decided that it would be funny to push him over into the grass. Once I did that I heard a cracking sound and saw that I had cracked a pot with a flower in it that my brother was holding when he fell. He got up and cried that it was a present for our mom. The feeling of remorse was too much and I've thought about that moment and have always felt the need to make it up to my brother, even though he's forgiven me countless times.

3. Family Time 
When I was 10 my Dad joined the baseball league at his work and would take us to every game, every Thursday. I still remember the smells, sights, and sounds that were consistent every time we went. It was the happiest time of my life and I look back and ruminate on that time and how it might effect my present state of mind and what I expect in terms of overall happiness and feeling content with life.
