The Art of the Personal Essay

What struck me the most was the idea that essayists are writing about themselves, but also about humanity in general at it's most fundamental level. What I mean by this and what I gathered from the reading was that a good essayist writes about the things that no one else is writing about, but everyone is thinking about. The ability to connect to the inner thoughts of another persons mind, where the experience is so personal that they didn't believe another living soul would be able to describe it in words, yet the essayist is supposed to be proficient in this.
I feel as though this portion of the text can help me to dig deeper into my own mind and put more of my personality onto the page. That is what the reader is looking for, the entertainment. The Art of the Personal Essay also mentions the readers' excusal of the essayists past in order to make way for the condor. This catches me because it gives me the sense that in my future writing, I won't be tempted to hold back when trying to write something exciting and new, since the notion that a reader excuses the events of your past in return for the entertainment.
Social media is force that is able to put a nation's attention onto one issue. The most recent example was the release of 'Leaving Neverland' reaching Twitter's attention and from there the assumptions and rumors were let loose. But similarly, it allowed for a wider group of people to become involved and express their rational position on the situation, which clears it up for many on the platform. This is why social media influence is both a good and bad thing. The power and instant attention it generates is why it is such an influential force, both positively and negatively.
It is possible for people to influence unintentionally, and in more ways than one. An example of this is Alex Honnold, who recently became the first person to ever climb El Capitan in Yosemite National Park without any ropes or equipment. This feat was a personal goal of Honnold's that was filmed and became an inspiration for many young people to pick up the sport of climbing. His unintentional influence was the cause of multiple generations of people becoming aware of such an incredible sport.

I would not label myself an influencer, especially not right now. If I am influencing anybody or anything, I am currently unaware of it. But to the best of my knowledge, I do not do anything to stir controversy or further ideas in any way. I think this reading really showed me the possibility of it, and gives me a chance to reflect and improve on it.
