Week 11: Science of Persuasion

I think consistency is very important amongst the list of the keys to persuading readers. I find it most important after watching the video that readers will be more engaged in a blog if the author is consistent in his entries. For many people, the idea that a steady stream of content will be a part of this blogging experience will be very persuasive. Similarly, if a blogger is consistent in the material that they discuss, readers will be able to associate the author with others.
I think Liking is also a crucial idea to persuading readers, as the author needs to be able to portray the personality of someone who is likable in order to convince the reader that they are smart and know what they are talking about. If the author can convince their readers they are a positive source of information, they will not only return to the blog but be persuaded by the argument.
I think Authority plays a role as well, and the most important one. This key idea is important because it shows that they author is credible and worth trusting. Having authority over the readers can make the information you are giving out in your blogs much more persuasive than if you were not believable or credible.
Alex Jones is a good example of this, as he has had his image beaten upon so much that his arguments are no longer taken seriously. He doesn't have the authority that he may believe he does, but his use of pathos is what keeps people returning to his site. He screams and yells, crying at times when he gets too emotional. But his use of ethos contains wildly exaggerated claims and headlines that attract many offended viewers. Although he attracts the attention to his blog and sites, he is not doing the best at persuading an audience. 
