My Memoir

I hope to learn more of what impact this event from my life had on me as I go back and reflect on it. I'm hoping to become more aware after writing this memoir, specifically in future events when I have the chance to remember more. This experience will help me to better dissect other moments from my life.
When considering my audience, I hope to explain my experiences in my memoir with enough detail so that they feel as though they lived through it as well. My goal is to accurately depict this portion of my life while painting a picture for the reader to easily capture in their mind.
Within in my memoir I think it would be unnecessary to include too many characters, as the experience will be more difficult to follow if the list of characters is too large. This will allow the reader to direct their full attention to the 2 to 3 fundamental characters involved.
I will not be needing to tell any backstories within my memoir. The story will provide enough detail of who is who and why they are relevant to the story.
I feel it's important to be cautious about including any information that doesn't further the story in anyway. The memoir should be riveting from beginning to end with enough attention grabbing wording and phrasing to keep the reader at the edge if their seat.
