Truth in Memoir

The main argument of this article is how is it possible to determine truth is writing, and is the option of writing memoirs as novels a better alternative?
She draws from examples of other works, and shows how it's been the case before that the truth has not been told in what people have claimed to be memoirs.
She tells about fiction and non-fiction being more similar than they are different. It is difficult to determine from a persons experience as to whether they are telling the complete, accurate truth on a specific matter.
I do believe she has a strong argument, though. She explains the extreme inconvenience of how to obtain the exact truth, and what substitutes could be made, or changes that could be applied that would solve our suspicions and clear our mindset towards what we believe should be in a memoir, or rather what to expect.
She comes across the idea in her struggles to write her own memoir to write freely and have the courage to not hold back. I'm drawn to this idea and find that in the future my own writing can be positively impacted by this, as I can remind myself to let the thoughts run free and not be hindered by any diminishing thoughts.
