
Showing posts from April, 2019

Ethos Pathos Logos

I used logos to show the mindset that the majority of Americans have currently, especially considering the study was done in 2017. My intent with this strategy was to show the power that death has in our society. Most people in our country assume that death will be followed by another experience and an eternity with another life.  This gives more importance to the concept of death and how we confront it. This source shows that the majority of adult's believe this isn't their only shot at life.  Ethos was not included in this post, considering that I am not an expert on death or the afterlife, and my own personal experience is all I can offer. I attended church until I was 20, and throughout that time I was able to see that it was not for me and that the mindset these people have on death is not the same as I do.  Pathos is essential to this post, and that is because it is an emotional concept. That's partially the reason I chose the idea of death, because it brings

Week 11: Science of Persuasion

I think consistency is very important amongst the list of the keys to persuading readers. I find it most important after watching the video that readers will be more engaged in a blog if the author is consistent in his entries. For many people, the idea that a steady stream of content will be a part of this blogging experience will be very persuasive. Similarly, if a blogger is consistent in the material that they discuss, readers will be able to associate the author with others. I think Liking is also a crucial idea to persuading readers, as the author needs to be able to portray the personality of someone who is likable in order to convince the reader that they are smart and know what they are talking about. If the author can convince their readers they are a positive source of information, they will not only return to the blog but be persuaded by the argument. I think Authority plays a role as well, and the most important one. This key idea is important because it shows that they